Number One Boutique on Soraya avenue (continuation of Sani-od-Dowleh)

If you have other old photos or postcards of Soraya street (pre 1980) please share them with us and we will post them on this page.

خیابان ثریا نزدیک تقاطع روزولت

Number One Boutique coverage in Vogue magazine December 1969

Carlton Hotel in Soraya Ave

From the 1974-1975 map of Tehran (click on link on the menu bar above).  Continuation of Soraya avenue is Sani-od-Dowleh,

Soraya square on Gorgan street (from 1974 map)

The Golden Palace theatre (سینما قصر طلایی) was located in Soraya Square on Gorgan street (not on Soraya Ave).  Here are a few old ads of movies shown at Golden Palace.